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COURT SPECIFICATIONS General Configuration of the International Singles & Doubles Courts RECOMMENDED STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION INTRODUCTION 1 This Specification defines recommended standards for Singles & Doubles Squash courts for the International Game of Squash; referred to in North America as "Softball" Squash. It has been drawn up on behalf of the World Squash Federation (WSF) (previously the International Squash Rackets Federation (ISRF)) as the sole International Federation for Squash recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). 2 The AIMS of the Specification are to ensure comparability of recommended standards for courts from one country to another to guide manufacturers, builders and designers as to suitable standards of squash court construction and design. 3 The Specification defines the basic characteristics of squash courts without reference to materials or methods of construction. 4 Courts built according to this Specification will be suitable for all types of play. The following events may only be played on courts which meet the Specification in all respects:
5 The WSF reserves the right to amend the Specification at any time if it is in its view desirable that this should be done. 6 The WSF runs an Accreditation scheme for courts and equipment whereby materials and components are tested against the recommended standards set by the Federation. Manufacturers of court materials and components may apply for such Accreditation and gain approval for their product as "WSF Approved and Certified". Accredited Companies 7 This Specification covers permanent court installations only. When finalised, a separate guidance on portable transparent courts, for special events, will be produced as Appendix 5 of this document. 8 The assistance of numerous manufacturers and National Associations in commenting on drafts and supplying information is acknowledged with grateful thanks, as is the work carried out by past and present Chairman and members of the WSF Technical Committee.
The Rules of the Individual Game of Squash contain Appendices relating to:- The Dimensions of a
singles court APPENDIX 1
RECOMMENDED STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION 1.1 There shall be space provided for a marker and a referee, who shall be able to see the whole of the court and shall be able to hear the play and the players and be heard by them. 1.2 The space for the marker and the referee shall be behind the plane of the back wall. ¡@ 2.1 Spectator areas may be located behind the plane of any wall of the court. ¡@ 3.1 Play may be televised, filmed, photographed or recorded in any way from above the court or through any of the walls, provided that:
3.2 Camera panels may be incorporated in any part of the court playing walls provided that any such panel shall:
3.3 Further details relating to the conditions for the use of television cameras are contained in Appendix 5. ¡@ 4. COURT DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES Plan Dimensions 4.1 The plan dimensions of the singles court, measured 1 metre above finished floor level, shall be:
4.2 The plan dimensions of the doubles court, measured 1 metre above finished floor level, shall be:
4.3 For existing courts, it is recognised that on occasions where the wall playing surface has deteriorated beyond economic repair then the use of a wall renovation system might be considered. In these circumstances, it is recommended that the court plan dimensions are not reduced by more than 80 mm from those noted above. Clear Height Verticality of
Court Walls
Straightness of
Walls Plane of Court
The Floor 4.9 Any joint in the floor finish shall be plane to within 0.25 mm. Any open joint shall not be more than 2 mm wide, except that an expansion gap not more than 6 mm wide shall be allowed at the juncture of the f loor with any wall. 4.10 The floor surface shall be true to within plus or minus 3 mm in 3 metres. ¡@ Generally 5.2 All court markings shall be straight to within plus or minus 2 mm in 3 metres. 5.3 The maximum variation from the correct position of any court marking at any point shall not exceed 5 mm, except that the board shall not be more than 2 mm from the correct height at any point. Front Wall
5.5 The lower edge of the front wall line shall be 4570 mm above finished floor level. The line shall not project into the space above the court and shall ideally be so shaped as to deflect any ball striking it. 5.6 The lower edge of the service line shall be 1780 mm above finished floor level. The line shall be marked on the surface of the wall and shall not deflect in any way any ball striking it. 5.7 The upper edge of the board shall be 480 mm above the finished floor level. The board shall project into the court by not more than 15 mm at the top and 45 mm at the bottom and shall be shaped so as to deflect any ball striking it. All edges of the board shall be rounded. Between the board and the floor, for the full width of the court, the 'tin' shall be constructed in such a manner as to make a distinctive noise when struck by the ball. 5.8 If the court has a transparent front wall it is recommended that the wall extends to a minimum height of 5250 mm above the floor. 5.9 As an alternative to the board electronic devices may be used providing they:-
Back Wall 5.11 If the court has a transparent back wall which is 2180 mm or more high above finished wall level, the back wall line shall be marked on the inside (court) face of the wall. No transparent wall with a height of between 2130 mm and 2180 mm (both dimensions plus or minus 5 mm) high above finished floor level shall be allowed. 5.12 If the court has a solid back wall, the back wall line shall ideally be so shaped as to deflect any ball striking it or shall be marked on the bottom edge of a sounding board not less than 200 mm deep across the full width of the court. Any such sounding board may project up to 5mm into the court. Side Walls 5.14 If the court has a transparent side wall it is recommended that the wall extends to a minimum height of 5250 mm above the floor for at least the first 2000 mm back from the front wall. Floor
5.16 Court markings on the floor shall be flush with the finish and be non-slip. 5.17 The Short Line shall be parallel to the front and back walls of the court. The distance to the nearest edge of the Short Line from the Back Wall shall be 4260 mm. The Short Line shall be marked for the full width of the court. 5.18 The Half Court Line shall be parallel to and equidistant from the side walls. It shall run from the back wall to the Short Line. 5.19 There shall be two Service Boxes, one on each side of the court behind the Short Line. Each service box shall be square with internal sides of 1600 mm and shall be bounded on three sides by lines (one of each shall be a part of the short line) and on the fourth side by one of the side walls). ¡@ Construction Strength
6.3 Where courts have transparent walls they shall be constructed of safety materials tested in accordance with the appropriate national standard to a test energy equivalent to that defined in 6.2.2 above and shall meet the stated requirements for safe breakage. 6.4 In the absence of any National Standards the requirements of British Standards BS6206 - 1981, German DIN 18038, North American ANSI Z97, BOCA 1984 and UBC 1991 are among those considered acceptable. Deflection of
Court Walls 6.6 The walls may deflect under the impact of players if it is necessary for their structural integrity that they should do so; however, they should not deflect to such an extent or in such a manner so as to affect the safety of the players, officials or spectators. 6.7 Any wall which deflects as above shall return to its original static position within one second of the initial impact and shall not suffer any breakage nor any permanent or temporary damage as a result of the deflection. Finishes 6.9 Any front or side walls, or any transparent panel in the playing surface of the front or side walls, shall be treated and/or lit in such a manner as to make it non-reflecting when viewed from inside the court. Reflectance 6.11 The reflectance of the front and side walls shall not vary at any point by more than plus or minus 5% of the average reflectance. Ball Rebound 6.13 All wall surfaces including transparent materials shall have surface friction such that the pace and wall angle characteristics are equivalent to that encountered in a plaster court. Joints in Playing
Wall to Wall
Junctions Wall to Floor
Junctions Moveable walls ¡@ Position of the
Door Inside Surface of
the Door 7.3 The door shall match the colour, texture and ball rebound characteristics of the adjacent wall surfaces as closely as possible and shall be fitted with a latch or other mechanism which will prevent the door opening following an impact of a player with it on the court side. Size of the Door Finger Traps with
Transparent Doors
Finish 8.2 The floor shall either be:
8.3 In the absence of any National Standards the requirements of the German DIN 18032 Part 2 when tested in wet conditions is considered acceptable. 8.4 The floor shall be kept clean of all rubber, dust particles and other depositions which may reduce its slip resistance. Resilience 8.6 When viewed from vertically above the line of flight of the ball, the linear path of the ball shall not be affected when it bounces on the floor. Colour and
Reflectance 8.8 The floor shall have a natural wood finish or be otherwise coloured as below with a minimum reflectance value of 50% + or - 10%.
Ceiling Ceiling Finish Roof Lights Out Of Court Wall
10. THE USE OF COLOUR AND DESIGNS 10.1 There shall be no more than three different colours on the floor and wall playing surfaces within the court. 10.2 Each of the side walls shall be of one colour and each side wall shall be the same colour. 10.3 The front wall may be two colours, one below and one above the service line. The front wall colours need not be the same colour as the side wall colours. 10.4 The floor shall have no more than two colours and each colour shall be bounded on at least two sides by the floor markings. The use of colours shall be symmetrical about the half court line. Natural wood materials shall be considered to be of one colour providing the whole complies with clause 10.5. 10.5 All colours shall have a minimum reflectance value of 50% and all colours shall be of the same reflectance value + or - 10%. 10.6 Colours will be permitted on all new and existing courts providing that the average illumination does not fall below the recommended standard of 500 lux or the minimum standard of 300 lux. 10.7 Out of court wall surfaces shall have a reflectance value the same or higher than any of the colours used on the play wall surfaces. 10.8 The ceiling shall have a minimum reflectance value of 80%. 10.9 Stripes or patterns of any type will not be permitted on the wall playing surfaces except on the front wall at a minimum height of 3600 mm above the floor where a logo, club or sponsors name may be used providing it is not more than 750 mm square and is located central on the front wall. 10.10 A logo, club or sponsors name on the floor will not normally be permitted however individual designs may be specifically approved by the WSF upon request. 10.11 The minimum reflectance value of any of the colours used in any logo or name shall be 30%. 10.12 The tin may be of any colour and contain advertising, logos, club or sponsors names providing no part has a reflectance value of less than 30%. 10.13 The court play lines may be any colour providing they contrast with all colours used on adjoining play surfaces. Wall play lines need not be the same colour as floor play lines. 10.14 Patterns and coaching aids on either the floor or the walls will not normally be permitted however individual designs may be specifically approved by the WSF upon request and following play testing to determine ball visibility. 10.15 All lines colours or other markings on the floor shall be non slip in accordance with the Squash Court Specification.
Lighting Installation 11.1 The court shall be lit by artificial light. The level of illumination measured 1000 mm above the finished floor shall be
11.2 The walls of the court shall be lit in such a way as to appear evenly and uniformly illuminated and the lux levels shall not vary at any point by more than 15% from the average level of illumination. 11.3 The lighting shall be shadow-free and free from any stroboscopic effects. Transparent Back
Temperature 12.2 Local variations in external temperature and humidity may result in temperatures outside of the above ranges being acceptable to players. Ventilation
System Condensation Location of
Grilles and Other Equipment 12.6 No part of any heating or ventilating or other equipment may project into the clear space above the court required by clause 4.4 of this Specification, excepting that equipment may be mounted on the front wall above the playing surface provided that: